Arcee-Spark Gets an Upgrade: Introducing Llama-Spark!

Coming on the heels of Arcee-Spark – our incredibly performant 7B model – we now bring you Llama-Spark. Built on Llama-3.1-8B, Llama-Spark is a conversational AI that you'd never suspect is just an 8B parameter model.

Arcee-Spark Gets an Upgrade: Introducing Llama-Spark!

We're thrilled to announce the latest iteration of Arcee-Spark: Llama-Spark! Built on the foundation of Llama-3.1-8B, this new Spark merges the power of our Tome Dataset with Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct, resulting in a conversational AI that truly punches above its 8B parameter weight class.

Our goal with Spark is simple: to consistently deliver the best-performing conversational AI in the 6-9B parameter range. As new base models become available, we'll continue to update and improve Spark to maintain its leadership position.

We're incredibly grateful for the overwhelming positive response to the original Arcee-Spark, and we're confident you'll love Llama-Spark even more!

Evaluations of Llama-Spark against 8B-Instruct

A Special Thanks to Prime Intellect

We want to extend a huge thank you to Prime Intellect for being our compute sponsor for this project. We're deeply appreciative of their partnership and commitment to our vision.

Try Llama-Spark here.